‘Teddy Bear’ Face Senior Dog Was Depressed As To Why He’s Been Returned 7-Times

‘Teddy Bear’ Face Senior Dog Was Depressed As To Why He’s Been Returned 7-Times

At the SPCA of Wake County, a senior dog named Martin stands out from the playful exuberance of younger dogs. With his gentle eyes and a demeanor as soft as his teddy bear-like appearance, Martin’s story is not just about cuteness, but a deeper tale of resilience and the search for a lasting home. Despite his appealing traits and an undeniably sweet nature, Martin has faced significant challenges in securing a permanent family, illustrating the complex journey many older shelter dogs endure in their quest for a forever home.

Image Credit: Facebook

Martin’s story begins with a heartfelt farewell from his previous owner, an elderly gentleman who found himself unable to continue caring for Martin due to his own advancing age. This difficult decision was made in the hope that Martin would find a new home where he could enjoy comfort and care during his twilight years.

As a senior dog, Martin embodies a gentle and relaxed spirit that makes him an ideal companion. His tranquil nature and the ease with which he settled into the shelter speak volumes about his adaptable and loving character. Described by shelter staff member Ranlet as a “really sweet old man,” Martin quickly became a favorite among the volunteers for his easy-going nature and affectionate interactions.

However, securing a forever home for Martin has proved challenging. Over the past two months, he has been adopted and subsequently returned seven times. These frequent transitions highlight the special considerations required in adopting senior pets, particularly those with medical needs—Martin is currently being treated for heartworm disease.

Recognizing the difficulties faced by Martin, the dedicated staff at the SPCA did not lose hope. They decided to leverage the power of social media to aid in their mission. A detailed post about Martin was shared on their Facebook page, capturing his loving personality and his suitability for families, seniors, and other pets. The post emphasized Martin’s virtues: his gentleness with children, his compatibility with other dogs, and his house training skills, noting that despite his age of 10 years and some hearing loss, Martin still enjoyed learning new tricks and savoring his treats.

Image Credit: Facebook

The response to the Facebook post was overwhelmingly positive. The story of Martin, the sweet senior dog in need of a home, resonated with thousands. The post quickly went viral, garnering almost 3,000 shares. This surge of support resulted in a flood of adoption applications, filling the quota within less than two days.

Among the prospective adopters was a couple with a history of caring for senior dogs, a promising match for Martin. This surge in popularity, while uplifting, was bittersweet for the staff who had grown to love him. They felt a mix of sadness and relief, knowing that Martin might soon leave the shelter but would be embraced by a loving family.

Martin’s saga is more than just a tale of adoption; it is a narrative that underscores the challenges and joys of caring for older pets. It highlights the profound impact of social media in rallying community support and the boundless capacity of humans to open their hearts to older animals in need. As Martin awaits his final adoption, his story continues to inspire and encourage more people to consider giving senior pets a chance at a new life.

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