12 Times Dad Jokes Turned Family Moments Into Pure Comedy / Bright Side

12 Times Dad Jokes Turned Family Moments Into Pure Comedy / Bright Side

Parenting isn’t all fun and games, yet some dads can even make it an art. Whether it’s pulling off playful pranks, or delivering those groan-worthy jokes we secretly love, these dads prove that a good sense of humor can make even the toughest parenting moments unforgettable.

1. “My daughter wanted me to build her a jump so I could pull her on her sled off it …”

© tarheel310 / Reddit


© MerlinCa81 / Reddit


© GiborDesign / Reddit

4. “What I’m looking at vs. What I’m seeing.”

© Wild-Camp-5011 / Reddit, © The Blues Brothers / Universal Pictures


© eltegs / Reddit


© SusRampage / Reddit

7. “Me holding my son at MY HS graduation vs me holding my son at HIS HS graduation.”

© bigK24 / Reddit


© eltegs / Reddit


© GiborDesign / Reddit

10. “My daughter when she said she wanted to be a Transformer for Halloween.”

© brandoj23 / Reddit


© espressovendetta / Reddit


© PauloDybala_10 / Reddit

These dads are born comedians, and one even trolls his daughter by perfectly recreating her selfies!

Preview photo credit MerlinCa81 / Reddit

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