Building a genuine connection with someone in a short time is no easy feat. Even long-term relationships can reveal unexpected surprises, so meeting someone new is bound to come with challenges. It’s no wonder the beginning of the relationship can quickly turn sour, sometimes leading to the kind of unforgettable mishaps found in this list.


This was embarrassing in the moment, but it worked out.
It was a 2nd date, but it was also Valentine’s Day, so I decided to get her flowers, a card that plays music, and some chocolates. It was freezing cold, but I didn’t have anywhere to keep them besides my car. I took the chance the flowers might die.
We had a nice date, and when we get back to my car, I got them out. Oh, those flowers were DEAD. “Ah well…”. She opened the card, and the sound chip just went bbbzzzzzzzz. I sighed and said, “Well… I hope the chocolates are okay”. She started laughing and gave me our first kiss. @Unknown author / Reddit







First date. Guy kept GRABBING my stomach, saying that’s where his baby would be. He was talking about moving into my house, where his stuff would go, that he was going to marry me etc.
I got on a random stopped bus and asked the driver to please just drive 😩😭@TQV94 / X

When she got mad at me for wanting to leave when all she did the entire time was mess around on her phone and post selfies of her and her coffee I bought her. Checked her Insta profile later on (she wanted me to follow to boost her) and the caption was something like “treated myself #blessed #sogood #coffee” literally couldn’t hold a conversation at all. So self-absorbed.
Wish I had video of that “date” just to laugh at it again. @GassyMagee / Reddit


We can spend years, even decades, with a significant other, believing we know them inside and out—only to have our perception shattered by an unsettling revelation. These stories explore moments when people uncovered shocking truths about their partners, forever changing their view of them.