When a shelter worker was coming into work one morning, she never expected to be greeted by a white, fluffy puppy at the door.
The poor guy was crying his heart out, begging somebody to notice him. She immediately picked up the sweet boy and noticed that he had a small wound on his back.
Thinking that that must have been the reason for his cries, the shelter worker brought him inside and introduced him to all of his new brothers and sisters who were about to make his life so much better.
Finally Safe

When the shelter worker placed him inside a kennel, the puppy ran to a corner, trying to hide away from the world.
Luckily, he was in very safe hands, and the worker did everything she could to make this sweet, fluffy angel feel relaxed and comfortable. This method proved to be the most effective way to give him some yummy milk!

Since he was a two-month-old baby, the puppy drank the milk in no time, putting him in the most adorable milk coma ever!
The worker took this opportunity to clean his wound and apply some ointment, hoping that it would help it heal faster.

Naming him Ronaldo, the worker made sure that every single day, she spent some quality time with him – playing, having fun, and giving him his bottle.
One Active Pup
The first week he spent at his new home, Ronaldo spent every single day sleeping and eating. But as he grew older, all he wanted to do was run around the place, playing with everyone he met.

Since he was such a happy pup, it wasn’t a surprise when a loving hooman noticed him and offered him a loving home.
Ronaldo quickly packed up all of his toys and was eagerly waiting to start his new life.
Luckily for him, his new family loved playing with cute puppies like him, filling up his days with pawsome adventures and the funnest play dates ever.

Even though he adores playing with his incredible hoomans, Ronaldo also loves his toys.
Whenever his hoomans would look for him, they knew that he was probably in his fluffy bed, playing with his toys until he was so tired that he just laid down and took the cutest nap ever!

Take Care Of Your Pups
Even though he is living the best life ever, who knows what would have happened if that incredible shelter worker had not rescued him?
That is why you must remember that animals have emotions, too, and if you aren’t capable of taking care of them for whatever reason, please don’t just dump them.
Rather, go to your local shelter, let the workers know about your situation, and I’m sure that they will try everything to ensure that your furry friend has everything they need and so much more, no questions asked.