Royal expert shares heartbreaking truth behind latest Kate Middleton picture

Royal expert shares heartbreaking truth behind latest Kate Middleton picture


The public is overwhelmed by the latest photo of Kate Middleton taken by the American tabloid TMZ. Although no British tabloids shared the photo, it found its way on the social media. Kate could be seen wearing sunglasses in the passenger seat of a car.

Following her “planned” abdominal surgery, the palace cleared Kate’s schedule completely, and the public got excited to see that she was about to appear in public earlier than expected when the Minister of Defense confirmed that Kate Middleton will attend the Trooping the Colour dress rehearsal ceremony on June 8, ahead of the main event on June 15.

However, it later turned out that it was a mistake and that Kate’s potential return to royal duty event has been deleted from an Army website. As per GB News, Kensington Palace was “not consulted” regarding the Princess of Wales’ appearance.

This, along with the photo of Kate published in the American media, led to even greater speculations surrounding her exact health condition.

The Palace did all in their power to protect the Princess’ privacy. There was no media around when she left the hospital nor when she traveled to the Anmer Hall estate in Sandringham some weeks ago, so this leaked photo has been seen as a failure and disappointment for the palace.

According to Newsweek’s chief royal correspondent Jack Royston, the one to be blamed about this entire situation is the Palace.

“The kind of secrecy that Kensington Palace brought to this situation fuelled completely feverish wild speculation online, and that creates the demand that means TMZ know that they’re going to make big bucks running these pictures because they know that huge numbers of people are going to go and click on this story,” Royston told Good Morning Britain on Tuesday.

“And that means that they can pay big amounts of money to the photographer, which makes it worth the photographer’s while to take the risk to get these pictures.”

He claimed the Palace could have handled everything better and put a stop to the speculations long ago.

“Kate could have taken a picture herself. She could have taken a selfie. William could have taken it. It didn’t need to be a good picture. Didn’t need to be a high-res image. It just needed to be a picture or a little video like Charles did,” he continued.

“What’s effectively happened is they’ve allowed this to snowball into a massive thing, and if they’d got ahead of it then they would have actually protected Kate better,” Jack Royston continued when appearing on Good Morning Britain.

“It probably felt to them at the time like they were protecting her and shielding her by just leaving her to get on with her recovery undisturbed but actually this is not protecting Kate. Her being papped in Windsor, the [Daily] Mail is speculating that she may have been on the school run, that that’s not protecting her. She was not going to feel protected in this moment.”

Other experts believe the entire thing has been fishy from the start.

According to Christopher Andersen, the author of the book The King, if the Princess has in deed been feeling better as the Palace claims, then she should have stepped out in the public and at least smile fro the photographers.

“Keep in mind that members of the royal family in particular are famous for getting out there [and] keeping up appearances no matter what,” Andersen told Fox News. “Queen Elizabeth never spent months recovering from an illness, and over the course of her 70-year reign, she dealt with a number of serious medical issues. So, the mystery surrounding Kate’s surgery and what it was for deepens.”

Although she wants to keep things private, it “wouldn’t have hurt” her to “pop her head above the parapet every now and then.”

“It may also be that her medical problem, whatever it is, gave her a new appreciation of what she regards as truly important in life – spending time at home with her children. Kate really is such a pro at handling the press and the public, for her to remain out of sight like this really has to make one wonder: What in God’s name is going on?” he concluded.

Daniela Elser believes that the TMZ photo hides a deeper story.

“With these new images, it’s depressing that it looks a lot like Kate felt she had to let her face be seen in public to stem the tide of delirium. There is something just a bit screwy and upsetting and off-kilter about the internet rabble being able to alter the plan for the 42-year-old’s recovery.”

She also claimed that Prince William canceling a royal duty because of a personal matter last week added to the controversy. Since he contributed to the mess, he’s the one who needs to clear ti up and no leave it up to his wife.

“Thus, the prince helped make the mess – why isn’t he helping clean it up? Why has it fallen to Kate, who had some sort of surgery significant enough to warrant two weeks in hospital, to dispel the grab bag of daft theories about where she is and what might be going on?” she continued.

Elser asked whether the photo shows a woman ready to be back on display or to be “put on public view like a museum specimen.”

“I suppose if there is one lesson to be drawn from all this is that princesses might get all the gee-gaws and diamonds they might fancy but choice? Freedom? Real independence? Maybe there’s no such thing as a free ten-bedroom Norfolk estate after all. Everything has a price,” Elser stated.



Prince William ended relationship with Kate Middleton by phone? Top 5 explosive revelations in new biography

Britain's Princess of Wales Kate Middleton. (Photo by BENJAMIN CREMEL / AFP)


In Rob Jobson’s new royal biography, “Catherine, the Princess of Wales,” several startling revelations about the Royal Family are unveiled. Take a look at these five revelations:

1. Among them is the disclosure that Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, has dealt with considerable health issues. The book reveals that, as a teenager, Kate underwent emergency surgery to have a lump removed from her head. “As a teenager at Marlborough College, Kate discovered a lump on the left side of her head, just under her hairline,” Jobson writes, adding, “The school notified her parents immediately, and her mother, Carole, took her to the hospital where doctors performed surgery to remove the lump.”

2. Among the intriguing details revealed is an account of a tense altercation between Prince William and Meghan Markle. According to the book, the confrontation escalated to the point where Meghan Markle told Prince William, “Keep your finger out of my face.” According to a report by OK Magazine, an excerpt from Jobson’s book reveals that the conflict began with a disagreement between Meghan Markle and Catherine, the Princess of Wales, during Catherine’s pregnancy with Prince Louis. Markle attributed Catherine’s behaviour to “baby brain,” which reportedly led Catherine to respond that they were not close enough for Meghan to comment on “her hormones.”

3. In his book, Jobson also noted that Catherine initially hesitated to accept the title of Princess of Wales following her marriage to Prince William. She was concerned about facing “stressful” comparisons with her late mother-in-law, Princess Diana, who had also held the title. Jobson writes, “She knew she’d inevitably be compared with Diana, whose untimely death had provoked such a tsunami of anger and grief. And she was right,” as reported by the Daily Mail.

Kate Middleton Presented Terms Before Royal Wedding

4. The biography revealed that Prince William ended his relationship with Kate Middleton over the phone during a tough phase for their romance. This breakup occurred in January 2007, just before Kate turned 25, while William was in military service and the British media eagerly awaited news of a royal engagement.

5. In an excerpt published by the Daily Mail on Tuesday from Robert Jobson’s new book, Catherine, the Princess of Wales, it is revealed that “seemingly out of the blue,” Prince William—then a 2nd Lieutenant in the Blues and Royals—called Kate Middleton to propose a breakup. Jobson writes that William suggested they needed “a bit of space” to “find our own way” and could not promise marriage. During their emotionally charged 30-minute conversation, both acknowledged they were on “different pages.”


Here’s how Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, plan to handle speculation about their marriage

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle live with their two children in California. The two have constantly faced media scrutiny and rumours about their marriage


According to media reports, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have admitted that they 'rushed into their marriage'


Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle are ‘upset’ over concerns that they rushed into a marriage, according to royal author Robert Jobson. Harry and Meghan lost their family relations because of the marriage, and this realisation continues to trouble them to this day as they “wish it wasn’t like this,” reported OK! Magazine citing a source.

According to media reports, Prince Harry was also warned by his elder brother, Prince William, before his marriage to Meghan Markle, who advised him to take things slow after he met Meghan at the Invictus Games in 2016.

Prince William once 'dumped' Kate Middleton over the phone, shouted 'I'm  free!' at London nightclub: author | Fox News

The claims made in the new book have again dropped the spotlight on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle raising speculations about their marriage and whether they “rushed” into the relationship.

How Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are handling rumours about their marriage?

Despite the fact that Harry and Meghan Markle gets upset when it is mentioned that they “rushed” into their marriage, the two are focusing on their present and working to build their lives into something better.


“It upsets Harry and Meghan when this is mentioned as they’re still together, very happy and have two gorgeous children. They knew from the start how they felt and they believe their marriage is a true love story and how they’ve overcome so much to be together,” OK! Magazine quoted a source.


The rumours does seem to put a strain on them as it exerts an indirect pressure upon them to constantly prove their marriage and happiness.


“It still pains them to this day and they wish it wasn’t like this – but they have no choice. They have to remain strong for each other, as that’s the only way they can get through all the speculation and criticism,” the source added.



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