Reality star weighing 600 pounds wed in a daring wedding dress

Reality star weighing 600 pounds wed in a daring wedding dress


Tammy Slayton, who is overweight, opted to wear an open dress.

Tammy and Emmy Slayton are the stars of the well-known American reality show “1,000 Pound Sisters,” which follows two teenagers who are dangerously obese.

They are currently 34 and 35 years old, respectively. Up until a few years ago, they consented to broadcast their daily lives to millions of viewers in the hopes of becoming in shape and beginning to live life to the fullest.

For three seasons, the sisters struggled with their addictions and with themselves. Amy, who is losing weight and requesting surgery, was the sibling who experienced the most success.

Reality star weighing 600 pounds wed in a daring wedding dress

Amy and Tammy were both at 185 and 275 kg at the time of shooting (of which Amy had already lost roughly 50 kg). In contrast to her sibling, she has gained weight and is currently close to three hundred pounds. Tammy’s health naturally soon deteriorated, and she was sent to an Ohio medical rehabilitation facility that specialized in treating obese individuals.

She is currently receiving care at the clinic for her weight loss and the pulmonary issues that her fat-related obesity caused. Tammy still feels very strongly about her life’s mission. She routinely posts funny videos to her social media accounts, updates her fans on her health, and reassures her followers that everything is well.

At the treatment center is where Tammy first met her fiancé, Caleb Willingham. That encounter marked the beginning of the only relationship she has ever experienced that wasn’t based on internet dating. The man proposed to her there after they had already staged a wedding there, where they had first met.

Many of the concerns they share may be discussed with one another. They help each other a lot now, they really do. The pals of the couple say it’s amazing.


The intimate wedding was attended by just the bride’s closest relatives and friends. This included Amy, the sister of the bride, who had lost weight and as a result was already married and had a kid.



‘Feeder’ fiancé stuffs woman with food so she can reach 600-pound wedding weight

He’s a personal fatness trainer.

Many women make a fuss about slimming down to fit into their wedding dress. However, one morbidly obese Pennsylvania bride-to-be aspires to weigh 600 pounds for the occasion — and her fiancé is helping her achieve that gargantuan goal.

That’s right, 450-pound Jessica Wilson, 26, of West Chester is engaged to an enabler who encourages her to eat up to 10,000 calories per day to prep for the big day, Caters News reports. Wilson met Eric Buddenhagen, 34, while looking for love in an online community for fetish “feeders” — a splinter faction of the “chubby chaser” lifestyle that actively aids their partner’s corpulent habits.

Despite weighing only 190 pounds, 6-foot-1 customer service manager Buddenhagen “finds my belly sexy,” Wilson gushes about her hedonism hype man.

Apparently, it was a match made in hog heaven.

During their first pizza date in August, Buddenhagen’s plus-sized paramour revealed her fantasy of packing on 150 pounds before her wedding day. Her chub-loving hubby-to-be put his money where her mouth is by proposing to Wilson in December — with an engagement ring hidden in an ice cream sundae.

“I was initially looking for a feeder and someone who loves bigger women, but I never expected to find a fiancé,” said a surprised Wilson.

Eric Buddenhagen is dedicated to helping Jessica Wilson reach 600 lbs. before her wedding day.
Eric Buddenhagen is dedicated to helping Jessica Wilson reach 600 pounds before their wedding day.Caters News Agency

The soulmates then embarked on a pound-packing pilgrimage that saw Wilson engage in biweekly 10,000-calorie “stuffing days.”

“Eric will order me different foods throughout the day to see my stomach swell,” Wilson says, and “while I’m eating, he’ll rub my belly and give me words of encouragement.”

The pair’s unorthodox crash diet is helped by the fact that Wilson possesses a culinary arts degree and loves making meals for them both.

Wilson follows a strict eating regimen to achieve her wedding weight goal.
With the help of her fiancé, Wilson follows a strict eating regimen to achieve her wedding weight goal.Caters News Agency

Still, the couple’s love of food isn’t limited to the kitchen. “We also like to incorporate food into our sex life from time to time,” Wilson says, “as it includes a new level of intimacy and something we both love into that part of our life.”

The World Health Organization defines overweight and obesity as “abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.”

More than 1.9 billion adults ages 18 and older were overweight in 2016, according to the most recent WHO stats released. Of these, more than 650 million adults were obese, a figure that’s nearly tripled since 1975.

Still, despite her girth, Wilson maintains that her blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar are all well within healthy ranges.

“Every doctor I’ve ever visited is shocked about how healthy I truly am,” she says, adding that she’s had to endure fat-shaming her whole life. “It does aggravate me that people always associate ‘fat’ with ‘unhealthy’ because that is not always the case.”

Wilson isn’t the first woman to attempt such a monumental feat of fattening. Two years ago, a nude model tried to gain 304 pounds in just three years in a bizarre bid to become the world’s heaviest woman — and all without the romantic aid of a Buffalo wing-man.

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