Abandoned Pup Curled Up In Front Of A Bank And Begged The Bank Clerk To Let Her Wait For Her Owner

Abandoned Pup Curled Up In Front Of A Bank And Begged The Bank Clerk To Let Her Wait For Her Owner

When a bank clerk came to work, she noticed a dog lying in front of the bank. She tried to chase the dog away, but the pup refused to leave his spot.

The woman called the dog rescuers, asking them for help.

Before long, the rescue team reached the address and saw the sorrowful dog for the first time. She curled up on the ground with a dejected expression on her face.

They tried to call her to come with them, but the pup remained on the ground.

After seeing that the dog refused to budge, the rescuers were convinced that she was badly injured.

The Doggo Meets Her Rescuers

dog lying on the outdoor floordog lying on the outdoor floor
Source: Animal Shelter

The rescuers took the doggo in their arms and drove her to the vet.

One of their teammates stayed at the bank in order to investigate and learn the pup’s backstory.

On the way to the vet, the dog, later named Rosegas, was silent. She trusted her rescuers and was gentle toward them. She didn’t try to run away.

Upon arriving at the hospital, the vet checked Rosegas who was full of ticks. She was underweight and anemic.

The vet diagnosed the doggo with piroplasmosis (also known as babesiosis), a disease caused by ticks that affects the red blood cells.

Rosegas started receiving treatment. She had a long road to recovery.

The pooch couldn’t hide her sadness. She felt like her whole world was turned upside down.

dog lying on the floordog lying on the floor
Source: Animal Shelter

The rescuers were extremely worried for Rosegas. They cuddled her and tried to console her but she was still heartbroken. She seemed to be waiting for someone.

The hospital staff took care of her and the next evening, Rosegas was discharged.

The rescuers took the dog home. They knew that she needed to heal both physically and mentally.

dog lying on the blanket on the floordog lying on the blanket on the floor
Source: Animal Shelter

Rosegas was extremely exhausted.

Her caregivers prepared her a comfy place to sleep and tucked her in. They stroked her until she drifted off to sleep.

That night, Rossegas had a fever. Her human friends stayed by her side and followed the doctor’s orders until the fever went down.

They took exceptional care of Rosegas and treated her affectionately.

Letting Go Of The Past

man hugging with dog in the houseman hugging with dog in the house
Source: Animal Shelter

Two days later, the doggo started feeling better. Her mood improved as well. 

She was more cheerful and she played with her rescuer.

Rosegas also made friends with her rescuers’ dog and cat. She was happy and excited.

two dogs playing in the yardtwo dogs playing in the yard
Source: Animal Shelter

Shortly afterward, the rescuers learned the surprising truth about the doggo. The bank guard told them that the doggo belonged to a woman who was a customer at the bank. 

The guard recognized Rosegas and said that she would often come to the bank with her owner.

The rescue team found out that the dog spent a whole week roaming around the bank, hoping to see her mom once again.

Rosegas’ friends felt heartbroken for the pup. They were certain that her owner dumped her because she was sick.

Fortunately, Rosegas turned over a new leaf and no longer waited for her owner.

Her rescuers made the dog feel loved and her heart healed. She made a full recovery and she seemed like a different pup.

dog standing outdoor by the stairsdog standing outdoor by the stairs
Source: Animal Shelter

The lovely pooch found a wonderful family who promised to dote on her and love her forever. Rosegas couldn’t contain her excitement because her greatest wish had come true.  

She found humans who would never give up on her.

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