Men might forget anniversaries, but it seems they never forget a good compliment! Whether it was about their driving skills, questionable smells, or the one time they actually looked “professionally handsome,” these 15 compliments left a mark. Warning: You may laugh, tear up, or start complimenting random guys after reading!

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- Delivered a pizza to 2 chicks, and as I was walking away, they yelled that I should turn the AC on in my car. I turned around just as one yelled, “CAUSE YOU’RE LOOKING PRETTY HOT!” as she slammed the door. That was a good day. @Unknown author / Reddit
- I was just hanging out chatting with a girl I knew in front of the dorm rooms at the university, and she was standing fairly close. She kept getting a bit closer, sniffing the air, and I started to think, “I forgot deodorant or something.” Then she looked up at me, smiled, and told me she thought I smelled fantastic.
I don’t wear any scents if I can avoid them; any strong ones give me a headache because I have a strong sense of smell. Unscented beard oil, clean scented deodorant, no cologne. Hearing a girl say I still smelled good? That felt pretty wonderful. To the point, I vividly remember it nearly 10 years later. @sticks1218 / Reddit
- Once, a blind girl that I helped to arrive at her place told me that she could feel my very good vibes, and she was comfortable walking with me because of that. I won’t forget that. @Edgarbc9411 / Reddit
- When I got my MA, a professor of mine came over to congratulate me after the ceremony. She said, “You didn’t speak much in my classes, but when you did, I always listened because I knew what you said would matter.” It was a really simple statement at the time, but I think about it often. @therealf***derek / Reddit

© fabrikasimf / Freepik
- A girl I worked with once asked if I could give her a ride home because her ride wasn’t able to pick her up. I did, and asked her out to dinner, which she agreed to. While we were at dinner, she confessed, “I didn’t actually need a ride home. I just wanted a ride from a cute guy.”
I was riding that compliment for months. @glory_of_dawn / Reddit
- I’ve been very depressed lately. I’ve never felt low like this before. My roommate noticed because I stopped doing the dishes on my designated days, which is unlike me; I just couldn’t find the energy or motivation.
I told her, and she started writing encouraging notes on our shared bathroom mirror with dry-erase markers. Yesterday she wrote, “5 things that make you awesome,” and today she wrote, “I am a better person because of you.”
I think she literally saved my life. I’m still struggling, but I’m so lucky to have her. @ColourfulFunctor / Reddit
- I was talking to my ex and a few of his friends about this girl I knew in high school. I said, “She’s the kind of person that makes you feel like you’re the only person in the world when you’re talking to her. She engages so deeply and always seems really interested in what you’re saying to her.”
One of his friends said, “I think you’re one of those people,” and everyone else in the car voiced their agreement. It was the coolest thing that ever happened to me. I’ll never forget that. @Unknown author / Reddit
- I dated this girl for a few months about a year and a half ago. Everything was going well, but then she just ghosted me, and I didn’t hear from her for 8 months. I didn’t think much of it, but then she got in contact with me and explained that she had gone back to her home country because there was an emergency with her family.
We reconciled, but I had just started dating another girl and told her I didn’t want to get back together with her because of that. Anyway, about a week later, I heard from a mutual friend who had been out with her that she said, “If I had known, I would have never let him go. No other guy has treated me anywhere near as good as he did.” So yeah, that’s a pretty memorable compliment. @Unknown author / Reddit

© freepik / Freepik
- I was grocery shopping with a kiddo in the cart. I noticed a cute woman in the veggie section as I was getting stuff.
A couple of minutes later, I helped an older woman who was in a motorized wheelchair. I was in no rush that day, so I went with her and got stuff from the shelves. There were folks who had helped my grandmother with stuff like that, so I was trying to pay it forward. Also, the kiddo was really charmed by her, so they flirted, and it was really cute.
I get her to the front, then go back to my shopping. A minute after that, I’m grabbing a couple of frozen things, and the cute woman comes up. She says something along the lines of, “I see your ring, and I swear I’m not trying to hit on you, but you’re very cute, and then I saw you being nice to that lady and playing with your baby, and now you’re super cute, and your wife is really lucky!”
There were some ums and stammers in there, and she blushed as I thanked her and then raced off. But that was some top-notch complimenting, and I nearly strutted out of that store. @PrehensileUvula / Reddit
- I was shopping for clothes with my wife and kid, and I went to pay while they were waiting outside. As I approached the cashier, she put down whatever she was doing and turned to greet me, and that’s when she made a genuinely confused/embarrassed face.
She noticed that she confused me with that reaction and apologized completely, saying that she was a bit blown away when she saw my face—she wasn’t expecting to see someone so good-looking, and it startled her, I guess.
It was a nice ego boost at the time since she was quite attractive, and I was probably at my fattest, but I guess I had a good beard and hair day. @MostarRed / Reddit

© drobotdean / Freepik
- A friend of my wife said, when asked what I looked like, that I was “professionally handsome”! I have no idea what she meant by that, but I’ve treasured that compliment (if it was a compliment?) for the last 34 years. @breakermorant1963 / Reddit
- 3 years ago, I was wandering into the supermarket after work. I was about 21. I was walking up to the automatic doors, and an older woman was coming out, so I waved my arm under it to open it for her to let her come out of the shop.
And a woman with her son about 8 or 9 came up behind, so I flicked my arm once more to reopen it, and I can still remember word for word what she said to her son, “This is what a real man does; that’s what makes them gentlemen.” She turns to me and says, “Thank you for being a role model for my son.” @Wackybaz / Reddit
- I matched a girl on Tinder last month, and we have been chatting for 4 days. We had fun talking, tbh, so I invited her to go with me on a date. The date was also perfect; we had so much fun, we laughed a lot, and she was so beautiful.
So, long story short, I got home that night, and she sent me that message with her compliment, “You are original.” It was just the best compliment I have ever heard from someone in my whole life! @ShadySince96 / Reddit

© senivpetro / Freepik
- I came to my first physiotherapy session to address the usual “I’m about to turn 50 and feel like everything I’ve done means nothing” issues. I changed into my shorts and stood there waiting to be invited.
Once I entered the room, she looked somewhere in between my legs and said, “You have VERY well-developed quadriceps. I’m impressed.” And then she ordinarily switched to “What made you come in here?” things. Still makes me smile to myself.
- I and my dad once went out for a drive down the Southport coast road in his then brand-new car (Audi A3). Being as I was insured on it, he let me drive it home. On the way back, he fell asleep.
When we got home, he said, “If it had been anyone else, I wouldn’t have closed an eye once, but it was you driving, so I wasn’t worried at all.” @Samh234 / Reddit
And speaking of compliments that leave a lasting impression—Mark Zuckerberg just shocked the world with his latest look. “He looks more human now,” some say. Whether that’s a compliment or a revelation, we’ll let you decide!
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