Trapped Dog Shivers All Night in Heavy Snowstorm Until Hero Hears Her Cries

Trapped Dog Shivers All Night in Heavy Snowstorm Until Hero Hears Her Cries

A brave animal officer named Angel became a real-life hero when she rescued a shivering dog during a massive snowstorm. The poor pup had been left in a crate on a freezing cold sidewalk.

An elderly man heard barking in the middle of the night and spotted the abandoned dog. He couldn’t help the dog himself, so he made an emergency call.

Trapped Dog Shivers All Night in Heavy Snowstorm Until Hero Hears Her Cries
KC Pet Project

Nothing Was Going to Stop This Rescue

The shelter’s gates were completely frozen shut because of the horrible weather. But Angel wasn’t about to let that stop her from saving a life.

She jumped in her own car and drove through dangerous icy roads for almost an hour. The snow was so thick she could barely see where she was going.

The Moment That Made It All Worth It

“When I got there, I could see her shivering, but when she saw me, her tail wagged so hard it shook the crate,” Angel said. This brave officer knew exactly what to do.

“I wrapped her in towels, cranked the heat in my car, and told her she was safe now,” she explained. The grateful pup couldn’t stop wagging her tail.

A Miracle Call in the Night

The elderly man who called for help got emotional when Angel told him the dog was safe. He believed something special had woken him up that night to save the dog’s life.

Super Hero in a Snowstorm

Angel had already been working for nearly 24 hours when this call came in. But she didn’t care about being tired or cold – she just wanted to help.

“This made it all worth it,” she said. “We are essential workers. It doesn’t matter how tired or cold we are—we have to show up.”

Happy end?

Angel wasn’t the only hero that night. The whole Animal Services team worked together during the storm to save animals.

Some workers gave each other rides through the snow. Others worked extra hours to help out.

Some amazing staff members even slept at the shelter to make sure no animal would be left in danger.

Thanks to Angel’s bravery, the dog is now safe and warm at the shelter. She went from being alone in the freezing cold to having a whole team of people looking after her.

Angel might have frozen toes from her rescue mission, but she says she’d do it all again. That’s what real heroes do – they help others no matter what!


Blair is available for adoption

Blair is ready to find her forever home through Missouri Pit Bull Rescue. After all she has endured, she truly deserves a loving and permanent family. If you’re interested in adopting Blair, you can submit an application directly through their website.

She would thrive in a home with another dog but might be a bit too energetic for families with very young children.

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