Woman Uncovers Cause Of Puppy’s Fear So He Can Lead A Full Life

Woman Uncovers Cause Of Puppy’s Fear So He Can Lead A Full Life

Chewy’s journey began in a place of fear and uncertainty. When the team from HIT Living Foundation first spotted him at the shelter, he stood out not because he was eager for attention like the other dogs but because he stayed curled up in the back. His eyes were so striking, almost humanlike, and it was as if they reached out to anyone who saw him, silently pleading for help. “We have to save this dog,” one of the volunteers said when they saw him. Chewy was in rough shape when they first brought him in, both emotionally and physically. He wasn’t just scared—something was clearly wrong.


After he was transported to a foster home, his behavior was even more telling. He wouldn’t eat unless everyone left the room, and he mostly stayed curled up in his pen, showing signs of emotional trauma. It was clear to the foster family that Chewy had likely experienced some form of abuse.


To make matters worse, Chewy developed an upper respiratory infection soon after arriving, adding to his troubles. Though the infection cleared up, his health continued to deteriorate in strange ways. He was constantly ravenous, drinking water excessively, and urinating frequently. The foster mom knew something more serious was going on, and quickly took Chewy back to the vet.

It was a relief when they finally had an answer: Chewy was diagnosed with diabetes. Though the diagnosis was sad, it was a turning point. Once they started him on insulin, his transformation began. Chewy had a glucose monitor attached to track his progress, and after just one dose of insulin, his true personality began to shine through. Slowly, the fearful dog started to come alive, finding joy in simple things like being outdoors. He never wanted to go back inside once he was out, a clear sign that he was finally feeling better.


One day, while his foster mom was sitting on the couch, something incredible happened. Chewy, who had previously been too scared to seek affection, came out of his pen and sat at her feet, a gesture that showed he was beginning to trust. That moment marked the beginning of a new chapter for Chewy, who went from trembling in fear of people to craving human affection, leaving behind all boundaries of personal space.

Then came the day that changed everything for Chewy. His foster mom had a conversation with a woman named DeeDee, and within ten minutes, she knew she had found Chewy’s forever home. Chewy, now renamed Morris (often called Mo), immediately took to DeeDee when she walked in to officially meet him. He immediately gave her a kiss as if he already knew she was his mom.


Seeing Chewy find his perfect family was a magical moment for everyone involved. His foster mom couldn’t help but be moved to tears. “It was like a meeting of the souls,” she said.

Man Let His Seven Dogs Slowly Deteriorate in His House of Horrors
Man Let His Seven Dogs Slowly Deteriorate in His House of Horrors

The man responsible is facing felony charges but must never be allowed to own or care for animals again.

Sign For Justice

Since moving to Washington, Morris has come such a long way. Every day, he grows more confident and comfortable in his new home. He’s a cherished member of the family, fitting in perfectly, and his new family feels incredibly lucky to have him. Morris’s story is one of incredible resilience, healing, and the power of love. Click play below to experience this wonderful tale. We are so grateful Morris is living his best life!

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