Woman Accidentally Finds Her Dog’s Long-Lost Sister at Same Shelter 2 Years Later

Woman Accidentally Finds Her Dog’s Long-Lost Sister at Same Shelter 2 Years Later

Sarah Treuer (@aryacanine) never expected her rescue dog story would turn into something magical. Back in 2022, she adopted Aria, a skinny mama dog who had just had puppies, from a shelter in Memphis.

Aria wasn’t great with other dogs, so Sarah thought she’d be a one-dog family forever.

Woman Accidentally Finds Her Dog’s Long-Lost Sister at Same Shelter 2 Years Later
Via @aryacanine / Instagram

The Mind-Blowing Discovery

But fate had other plans! Two years later, Sarah was randomly scrolling through the SAME shelter’s website when her jaw dropped.

There on the screen was a dog who looked exactly like her beloved Aria. Talk about déjà vu!

The Magical Meeting

Sarah knew she had to check it out. She drove all the way to Memphis with Aria, crossing her fingers that the dogs wouldn’t fight.

But something amazing happened – the moment the dogs met, they acted like old friends! There was no growling or barking – just two pups super happy to see each other.

The DNA Proof

Via @aryacanine / Instagram

Sarah had a feeling these dogs might be related, so she did what any curious dog mom would do – she got them DNA tested!

The results were incredible: the dogs shared 56% of their DNA. They weren’t just look-alikes – they were actual sisters!

Happy Ever After

Sarah adopted the second dog, naming her Sansa (yes, like Game of Thrones!). From day one, the sister pups have been inseparable, cuddling and sleeping next to each other like they’re making up for lost time. Sarah’s now planning to find out if they’re twins from the same litter!

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