Roaming Hairless Dog ‘Fluffs Up’ After Man Runs Into Him

A rescuer named Reto with Furry Luck Bali received a call about a hairless dog roaming the streets. The pup was skin and bones. He was malnourished and fed up with street life. When Reto arrived, he witnessed the dog nearly getting hit by a motorcycle. Reto tried to intervene and rescue the pup, but the dog ran into a field. Reto followed. The dog’s trauma from being a stray wasn’t the only thing Reto needed to work on once the dog was captured. He had to improve the dog’s health so his fur would grow back.


The kind man couldn’t capture the dog, so he set up a humane trap with food to entice him. The rescue mission was a success. Reto brought the dog, now named Bobby, back to Furry Luck’s center and set out to gain the dog’s trust. It took three weeks, but Bobby eventually showed his true colors. He was actually quite happy and friendly!


The pooch’s skin started to heal. Although he was still bald, Reto was confident his fur would grow in and he would heal completely. And he was right! Several months later, Bobby was unrecognizable! He became this fluffy, cuddly pup that loved to snuggle with Reto. The Dodo heard about Bobby and contacted Reto. They offered him a spa day package and Reto couldn’t turn them down!

Reto is working on finding Bobby a forever home. But for now, he’s being well-cared for by his rescuer and doggy friends. To see Bobby’s rescue and incredible transformation, play the video below.

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