Great Dane Was Found Starving And Ate Rocks To Live Till ‘Someone’ Comes To The Rescue

Great Dane Was Found Starving And Ate Rocks To Live Till ‘Someone’ Comes To The Rescue

On the unforgiving city streets, a young Great Dane named Angelo was discovered in an utterly heartbreaking condition. Severely malnourished and too weak to stand, his life hung by a thread. Angelo had been pushed to the edge, forced to eat stones in a desperate attempt to stave off hunger. Tragically, these inedible objects filled his stomach, obstructing his ability to digest or pass any real food, further endangering his already fragile state. His frail body and desperate eyes silently pleaded for help, making it clear that Angelo needed a miracle to survive. His situation was nothing short of life-threatening.



Despite the bleak outlook, Angelo’s story took a hopeful turn through the compassionate efforts of a dedicated volunteer named Hanan, part of the Furever Rescue Foster organization. When Hanan first saw Angelo’s frail condition, she recognized the severity of his situation. He needed far more than basic care—urgent medical intervention was essential to save his life and give him a chance at a brighter future.

The challenge was overwhelming. Angelo required a high-risk surgery to remove the stones obstructing his stomach, a procedure that was both complex and costly, exceeding the usual resources of the rescue. Determined to help, Hanan turned to social media, issuing an emotional plea in the hopes of reaching animal lovers around the world who might contribute to his care.


Her appeal touched many hearts, including Justin Finning and his wife, Deborah. With more than thirty years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating Great Danes, especially those with special needs, the couple felt well-equipped to step in. Even though Angelo was in another country, which presented logistical challenges, this did not discourage them. Deeply moved by Angelo’s plight, Justin and Deborah resolved to help him in any way they could, offering their expertise and support to aid in his recovery.


Together, Hanan, Justin, and Deborah launched a fundraising campaign to secure the financial support necessary for Angelo’s surgery and his long road to recovery. This plan included not only the surgery to remove the stones from his stomach but also extensive post-surgery treatments like physiotherapy and hydrotherapy, along with a specialized nutrition plan to combat his severe malnutrition.

The response from the community was nothing short of extraordinary. Donations flooded in from animal lovers near and far, all rallying to give Angelo a fighting chance. The surgery was a success, marking the beginning of his recovery journey. Under the watchful care of Justin and Deborah, Angelo slowly regained his strength. Each therapy session helped rebuild his muscles, which had deteriorated during his time of extreme hardship.



Months of dedicated care and perseverance led to an inspiring transformation. Angelo, once frail and fearful, blossomed into a vibrant, playful Great Dane. He now enjoys the simple pleasures of life, like stretching out in his spacious backyard, going on fun trips to the beach, and soaking in the affection of his new family. Angelo has also found companionship with his three canine housemates, who have become his best friends and playmates, completing his heartwarming journey from survival to joy.


Learn More About the Great Dane Dog Breed: Information, Facts & Pictures

Angelo’s journey from a desperate, critical state on the streets to becoming a cherished member of a loving home is more than just a story of recovery—it’s a powerful testament to what compassion, teamwork, and community support can accomplish. Today, Angelo thrives, living each day with joy and boundless energy, surrounded by a family that helped transform his fate from one of hopelessness to one filled with endless possibilities. His life, now overflowing with love, adventure, and care, serves as a beacon of hope, illustrating the resilience of rescue animals and the profound impact of those who work tirelessly to save them.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!



Chained Up And Abandoned Pit Bull Grabs Rescuers Hand With His Paws and Begs For Help


Chained Up And Abandoned Pit Bull Grabs Rescuers Hand With His Paws and Begs For Help


Some dogs are suffering in war-torn Ukraine, but this pit bull’s misery started before the war did.

One day, Love Furry Friends received a call that a pit bull, who had spent his life living outdoor on the end of a chain, was abandoned when his owners evacuated their village and left him behind. The dog was still tied up, all alone, and had no way to even try to save himself.

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Right away, the rescue went to save the dog. They found him just as the caller had said, still tied up with barely enough length of chain to reach his kennel for protection. His food and water were long gone. His situation was desperate.

Uncertain how they’d be received by the abandoned dog, they cautiously approached and were more than welcomed by the pup. He was so happy to see them and was friendly despite how abused he was.

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Sadly, the poor dog didn’t even have a collar. A chain was wrapped around his neck and had caused some wounds. His neck was black with tarnish, a dark reminder of the tragic life he had been living.

His rescuers fed him his first meal in a long time, which he immediately gobbled up. Then they unsnapped his chain and led him away and into his new life, where he’d be safe, fed, and loved. Never again would he live chained up or be abused.




After a good meal, he got what was probably his first bath, and pounds of dirt were washed away. Just like the memories of his past would one day be. He then went to the vet, where no surprise he was found to be emaciated and underweight but received his shots and was neutered.

Three weeks later, he was a new dog! Happier, and healthier, and the wounds on his neck were healing. He now had a huge smile and was ready for his new family to adopt him. He underwent an amazing transformation and is ready for his new beginning.




Without the help of the brave volunteers at Love Furry Friends Animal Rescue, there is no telling how this sweet pup’s life would have ended. Certainly, he was in a very dangerous situation, and he nearly starved to death.

Thankfully, despite the dangers, devoted rescue workers have saved many dogs in Ukraine. They risk their own safety to help the pups that others left behind and are now trying to find a home for many animals.




We hope you enjoyed watching this dog’s amazing transformation. From chain to unchained, happy, and living free. Just like all dogs should be. Please feel free to share with your friends.


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