Man Charged for Kicking Dog, Caught on Video

Man Charged for Kicking Dog, Caught on Video

In East Haven, Connecticut, a local man has been taken into police custody because he was seen hurting a dog. He faces legal trouble for two charges of harming animals and one for not registering his dog properly.

The arrest happened after a video was shared online. The video showed a man kicking a dog while they were out walking. This led to immediate action from local authorities. The dog is now taken away from the man’s home and is being checked by a veterinarian. It will stay at the East Haven Animal Shelter until a court decides what should happen next.

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A woman who lives nearby saw the incident and recorded it on her phone. She talked to News 8 about what she saw but didn’t want to share her name because she was worried about her safety. She said, “I was leaving my house to go to the store, and I heard a man yelling at his dog. The dog was trying to jump up to play with him, and he whipped him down with a leash and kicked him to the ground.” She also mentioned that it wasn’t the first time she had seen the man being mean to the dog. “Every so often I see him around 10 a.m. walking by when I’m bringing the garbage out or watering the plants, and I never had my phone — this time I happened to have my phone,” she added, expressing concern about what else might be happening when no one is watching.

The Mayor of East Haven, Joseph Carfora, said he felt very sad about the incident and confirmed that the police and animal control are looking into it. “I have the utmost confidence in our law enforcement and animal control officers to identify and prosecute the perpetrator to the fullest extent of the law,” he mentioned in an email.

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Zilla Cannamela, who leads an animal rights group called Desmond’s Army Animal Law Advocates, spoke strongly against the mistreatment. “This is no way to discipline a dog,” she stated. She pointed out that animal cruelty is a big problem and said, “Currently, we are attending 65-70 court cases a month.” According to her, many cases where animals are mistreated are not even reported.

The person who filmed the upsetting scene hopes that the dog will find a loving home. “I just hope he goes to a good home and gets the best life he deserves,” she expressed, showing her wish for the dog’s happy future.

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