Common Rashes: Types, Symptoms, Treatments, & More
What Are Rashes?
Rashes are unusual changes in skin color or texture. They normally come from skin inflammation, which can have different causes.
There are many types of rashes, including those caused by skin conditions like eczema, granuloma annulare, lichen planus, and pityriasis rosea.
Symptoms of Rashes
The symptoms that come along with a skin rash depend on the cause and type of rash. Some common symptoms include:
- Blistering
- Redness
- Scaly or dry skin
- Similarity to hives
- Blotchiness
- Swelling or inflammation
- Itchy skin
- Pain
- Infection of the areas of broken skin
- Shiny, flat-topped bumps
- Large affected areas of skin
- Circular-shaped affected areas
Causes of Rashes
Irritants and allergens in the climate/environment can cause rashes on the skin. Other common causes include:
- Viral or bacterial infections
- Skin conditions such as rosacea or eczema
- Stress
- Skin irritants (including soaps, skin care products, or some fabrics)
- Personal and/or family history of allergies, hay fever, or asthma
- Allergic to certain medications, including those that treat high blood pressure, heart disease, and arthritis
- Triggering agents from other conditions, such as hepatitis B or hepatitis C
Some causes and triggers for rashes are unknown.
Common Skin Rash Types
Some common skin rash types include those caused by skin conditions like eczema, granuloma annulare, lichen planus, and pityriasis rosea.
Eczema is a general term that describes several different conditions in which skin is inflamed, red, scaly, and itchy. Eczema is a common skin condition, and atopic dermatitis (also called atopic eczema) is one of the most common forms of eczema. It can affect adults or children and isn’t contagious.
The way eczema looks can vary from person to person. In adults, eczema most often affects the hands, elbows, and back of your knees. In young children, eczema often also shows up on the face, back of the neck, and scalp.
Some things can trigger a flare-up of eczema or make eczema worse, but they don’t cause the condition.
Hives is a skin condition that causes raised, itchy bumps or welts. If you have hives, you could be allergic to something airborne or an insect bite. It can also be caused by changes in the temperature and bacterial infections.
Contact dermatitis
The type of rash that comes from contact dermatitis happens when your body reacts to irritants such as detergents, fragrances, and chemicals. It can cause inflammation, itchiness, and redness.
Granuloma annulare
Granuloma annulare is a chronic skin condition. A circular-shaped rash with reddish bumps (papules) is a common symptom. Most often, it affects children and young adults. It’s slightly more common in girls and is usually seen in people who are otherwise healthy.
If you have granuloma annulare, you’ll usually notice one or more rings of small, firm bumps over the back of your forearms, hands, or feet. The rash may be mildly itchy.
Lichen planus
Lichen planus is a common skin condition that causes shiny, flat-topped bumps. They often have an angular shape and a reddish-purplish color. Lichen planus can show up anywhere on the skin but often affects the insides of your wrists and ankles, lower legs, back, and neck. Some people have lichen planus inside their mouth, genital region, scalp, and nails. Thick collections of bumps may occur, especially on the shins.
Lichen planus most often affects adults ages 30-70 years. It isn’t common in very young or elderly people.
Pityriasis rosea
Pityriasis rosea is a common skin rash that is usually mild. The condition often begins with a large, scaly, pink patch of skin on your chest or back. Next, you’ll notice one patch of pink skin quickly followed by more. Your skin will be itchy and red or inflamed. The number and sizes of spots can vary.
Pityriasis rosea affects the back, neck, chest, abdomen, upper arms, and legs. The rash can differ from person to person.
Viral conditions. Rashes on the skin can be the result of a viral infection such as measles or chickenpox.
Psoriasis. This skin condition causes a rash is thick and scaly and usually appears on the knees, back, elbows, genitals, and scalp. It is permanent and can be passed down from your parents.
6 Healthy Habits You Should Practice Daily that Can Improve Your Health and Well-Being
Building healthy habits has never been so simple!
So you’ve made the decision to improve your health, but where do you go from here? While there are many different ways to go about getting fit, there are certainly healthy habits you should practice daily. We put an emphasis on “daily” because consistency is crucial to long term success, The healthy habits below are easy to apply to your daily routine, and if practiced regularly, can lead to a total body transformation!
6 Healthy Habits You Should Practice Daily
When you hear the words “healthy habits,” what are the first two things that come to mind? Diet and exercise? You wouldn’t be wrong, but there’s more to life than bland, scheduled meals and monotonous workout routines, wouldn’t you agree? To remain consistent and achieve long-term success, you need to find a healthy balance that you can actually enjoy. These healthy habits will help you do just that!
1. Choose the right types of food.
This may sound like a given, but hear me out. Choosing the right types of foods does not mean that you have to eat a bland, basic diet food. The right types of foods (lean protein, fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, and healthy fats) can be combined to make some incredibly delicious recipes. If you’re not sure how to do this, you’re in luck! At Skinny Ms., we have countless healthy recipes for every meal that will not only help you reach your fitness goals, but they’ll satisfy your cravings as well!
2. Eat when you’re hungry.
There is a great debate when it comes to how many meals a day you should be eating for optimal fat loss. Is it three meals? Six? The correct answer actually varies from person to person! Weight loss comes down to calories in vs. calories out. If you eat fewer calories than you use each day, you’ll lose weight, no matter how many meals you’ve split your calories up into. Again, if you do what works best for you, adhering to a long term fitness plan will be that much easier.
3. Drink water all day long.
The health benefits of drinking water are numerous. Plus, it’s such an easy habit to build! Drink a full glass of water right after waking up, and another one before each meal. Doing so will kick-start your metabolism, increase energy, and suppress your appetite. We recommend carrying a water bottle with you throughout the day so you’ll always have access to water. Remember, by the time you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated, so try to take a sip multiple times per hour!
4. Get up and move (even on your rest days).
On the days that you workout, you’re much more likely to make healthy choices. While rest days are important, they don’t mean that you have to sit on the couch all day! Even on your rest days, you should try to get at least 15 minutes of movement.
We call this an active rest day. They allow your body to recover from your workout routine while still allowing you to burn some extra energy. Go for a walk around the neighborhood, take the kids for a play date at the park, or clean the house. Staying active will keep you on track!
5. Prioritize your time so you can get more sleep.
Getting the appropriate amount of sleep is crucial to meeting your weight-loss goals. Being well-rested will help you control your cravings and maintain your exercise routine. Most of us are busy, and sometimes our hectic schedules can make us feel like we don’t have the time for exercise, let alone extra sleep! However, if we take a step back and reevaluate how we spend our day, we can usually find some time for a little extra snoozing.
Think about it: How much time do you spend on social media or watching TV each day? Of course, you can still spend time doing these things, but maybe try to do them while you’re cooking dinner or cleaning the house. If you want your health to be a priority, you must learn to prioritize your time!
6. Do what makes you happy.
While it’s important to prioritize your time and your health, you still need to make time for doing the things you love! Remember that enjoying your lifestyle is imperative to long-term success. Make time in your weekly schedule to go to the beach, relax on the couch with a good book, or see a show or movie! Set aside a few minutes a day to meditate or do absolutely nothing at all! A truly healthy lifestyle is all about balance.