Same-Age Celebrities and the Radical Effects of Plastic Surgery / Now I’ve Seen Everything

Same-Age Celebrities and the Radical Effects of Plastic Surgery / Now I’ve Seen Everything

In Hollywood, defying the passage of time almost feels like a job requirement. But what happens when stars of the same age choose different approaches—natural aging versus cosmetic enhancements?

Take a look at our side-by-side comparisons to see how these decisions have influenced their appearances. On the left, you’ll find stars who’ve opted for a little help, and on the right, those who’ve embraced a completely natural look.

1. Catherine Zeta-Jones and Jennifer Lopez — born in 1969

2. Priscilla Presley and Helen Mirren (born in 1945)

PacificCoastNews/EAST NEWS, Shooting Star/Sipa USA/East News

3. Jessica Lange and Meryl Streep (born in 1949)

Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP/East News, Brent N. Clarke/Invision/AP/East News

4. Kim Basinger and Isabel Huppert (born in 1953)

Dee Cercone/Everett Collection/East News, PIERRE VILLARD/SIPA/EAST NEWS

5. Donatella Versace and Judy Davis (born in 1955)

6. Jennifer Garner and Maya Rudolph — born in 1972

Collin Xavier/Image Press Agency ABACA/Abaca/East News, MICHAEL TRAN/AFP/East News

6. Madonna and Sharon Stone (born in 1958)

7. Daryl Hannah and Julianne Moore (born in 1960)

Dee Cercone/Everett Collection/East News, Evan Agostini/Invision/AP/East News

8. Sandra Bullock and Monica Bellucci (born in 1964)


9. Courteney Cox and Marisa Tomei (born in 1964)

10. Cindy Crawford and Salma Hayek (born in 1966)

11. Nicole Kidman and Julia Roberts (born in 1967)

12. Denise Richards and Winona Ryder — born in 1971

Jordan Strauss/Invision/East News, Invision/Invision/East News

13. Renée Zellweger and Christy Turlington (born in 1969)

Celebrity Monitor, PacificCoastN/EAST NEWS, RTNPluviose/MediaPunch/EAST NEWS

14. Uma Thurman and Rachel Weisz (born in 1970)

Brent N. Clarke/Invision/AP/East News, Charles Sykes/Invision/AP/East News

15. Tori Spelling and Heidi Klum (born in 1973)

Gilbert Flores/Broadimage/EAST NEWS, PacificCoastNews/EAST NEWS

16. Tara Reid and Kate Winslet (born in 1975)


17. Demi Moore and Jodie Foster — born in 1962

But some transformations go beyond just a little tweak—wait until you see these 12 stars whose dramatic plastic surgery makeovers left fans speechless.

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