Neighbor Saw Rags On A Roof And Realized They Were Something Else Entirely

Neighbor Saw Rags On A Roof And Realized They Were Something Else Entirely
Unfortunately, not every animal lives a nice, happy life filled with fun adventures and a loving family. Some animals are forced to either live the harsh life on the streets or, sometimes even worse, be a part of a family that completely neglects them.The pups of today’s story, Terry, and his brother, were met with this sad fate. By being chained to a rooftop for over two years and exposed to all of the natural elements, not only did their happy personalities change, but so did their appearance.

As they were neglected for so long, their fur got long, dirty, and matted, making the dogs completely unrecognizable.

Luckily, though, their life was about to change.

Finally Rescued

rags on the roofrags on the roof
Source: YouTube

A neighbor finally decided to call the authorities and rescue the poor brothers. Soon after, an animal rescue team was on the scene.

“The dogs had incredibly matted fur. You can’t even begin to understand how they had been feeling up there for so long,” a rescuer from West Coast Paws Dog Rescue, Zoë, told The Dodo.

The brave brothers were immediately brought to the West Coast shelter and were given a well-needed haircut and bath.

In just a matter of hours, they showed everybody how handsome they really were.

Source: wcpdogrescue

With their new haircuts, the pair made their way to the vet for a thorough examination. And, after getting the green light, the two brothers were put up for adoption through West Coast Paws.

“We had Terry listed for adoption for almost seven months before we received any application for him. [His] age was really a factor in people not wanting to apply for him,” added Zoë.

New Life

However, neither the staff nor the brothers got discouraged, knowing that the right family would contact them at any moment.


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And, that is exactly what happened!

When a couple by the name of Lee and Danny were scrolling through the shelter’s website, they came across Terry’s adoption listing. It truly was love at first sight as they swiftly made their way down to the shelter with the intent of adopting him.

“We gravitated toward Terry partly because they were having trouble adopting him out. There was just something about him that sort of touched my heart. The little rags on the rooftop, then seeing him in the shelter all fluffy and happy — I figured I could give him a good life,” Lee told The Dodo.

Little Terry quickly packed his bag and boarded not one, but two planes in order to get to his new home. This brave little pup, along with his caretakers, Ariane and Tami, was wagging his tail throughout the entire flight.


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“Thankfully, everything went really smoothly. All the flights were on time.” Ariane told The Dodo.

As soon as he landed, he was greeted by his new parents as well as a pile of incredibly fun dog toys.

Terry, later renamed Teddy, was finally home!

“[I] couldn’t be happier. I’m just thrilled with how quickly he’s latched onto us. It’s gonna be fun!” said Danny as he met Teddy at the airport.

senior man holding a puppysenior man holding a puppy
Source: YouTube

After spending some time with his new family, Teddy completely came out of his shell and is now acting more like a puppy than a seven-year-old dog.

“I think his future is one of a lot of human companionship. We’re just really so happy to have Teddy share the rest of his life with us as a part of our family,” concluded Danny.

Final Word

It just makes me incredibly happy to see a pup who went from having a very troublesome life to one he truly deserves.

From spending months chained to a roof to having a family who truly appreciates him, this pup really did get to live happily ever after.

Congratulations, Teddy!

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