The heart of every true dog lover will break when he comes upon a poor abandoned dog left to fend for itself on the harsh street.
Unfortunately, we are condemned to such scenes every day because there are so many abandoned and lost dogs who yearn for just a little love. After all, it is almost as essential to their well-being as food.
We were once again reminded how difficult the fate of dogs on the street is by the situation of three dogs found by rescuers in Aberdeen, Ohio.
These poor helpless beings curled up together to make it easier to survive their hardest life moments.
The Picture Says It All

On November 16, 2024, the rescuers from Brown County Humane Society, located in Georgetown, Ohio, found three dogs on Water St. In Aberdeen.
Their hearts broke when they saw their sad faces and the way they curled up together to survive these difficult moments — the big dog lay in front while the other two used him as a shield.
“This picture shows us exactly how your dogs feel when they are dumped or lost,” the shelter wrote in the Facebook post. “They wait in the same spot hoping you will come back for them.”
These big-hearted people immediately brought them to the shelter where they found out the poor souls were very “bonded and scared.”
Aside from that, the shelter was full and they did not know what to do with them. At first, they didn’t even know whether they were dumped or lost, but it soon turned out that they were abandoned.
“If these are your dogs please come and get them. They deserve better.” the shelter staff wrote at the end of the post.
“Poor Babies”
This November 16 Facebook post about three dumped dogs attracted a lot of attention and caused many different reactions.

“Poor babies … praying they find the best homes ever 💔❤️” one user wrote.
“I wish I had tons of money….I would start a rescue center on a big farm,” another added.
The third wrote: “Thank you so much BCHS for the work you do!!! ❤️ Praying someone can take all 3 of these babies and give them a nice home! 🙏🏼”
These three dogs were brought into the shelter as strays so they were on “hold” for three days. Since that time has passed and no one reclaimed them, they are now available for adoption, and the shelter will try to find them a common forever home.
Considering the numerous heartwarming reactions from people on Facebook, we have no doubt that these furry beings will meet the happy ending they deserve.