Mama Dog Was Sad When 7 Pups Passed In Fire. Then They Showed Mama A Litter Of Orphans

Mama Dog Was Sad When 7 Pups Passed In Fire. Then They Showed Mama A Litter Of Orphans

As a child, Jessica Woodruff always had a deep love for animals. Her farm in Oregon was a place where animals thrived and where she poured her heart into caring for them. But recently, Jessica faced one of the most tragic moments of her life—a devastating barn fire that changed everything.


The fire broke out accidentally, spreading so rapidly that Jessica barely had time to comprehend what was happening. In the blaze, she lost four goats, a pig, and seven 3-week-old puppies. The fire consumed the barn within minutes, and despite their efforts, there was nothing Jessica or her dog Daisy, the puppies’ mother, could do to save them. It was an unimaginable loss that broke both of their hearts.


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Daisy’s Grief

In the days following the fire, Daisy plunged into a deep depression. She would repeatedly wander back to the burned remains of the barn, whining and searching for her lost puppies. Watching her beloved dog in so much emotional pain was almost unbearable for Jessica. Daisy’s sadness became a constant reminder of the tragedy, and Jessica knew she had to act quickly to help her grieving dog before she lost Daisy to despair as well.


A Ray of Hope

Desperate to bring some comfort to Daisy, Jessica’s sister, Jacque Barnett, turned to social media for help. She posted on Facebook, asking if anyone knew of orphaned puppies that Daisy could foster. By an incredible coincidence, a woman named Lorna Murphy reached out. Lorna’s 5-year-old dog, Chloe, had tragically passed away after giving birth to eight puppies, leaving the newborns without a mother.

It was as though fate had brought Jessica and Lorna together. Both women had suffered terrible losses, but together they saw an opportunity to bring some healing to their grieving dogs.

A New Beginning

The women quickly arranged for Daisy to meet Chloe’s orphaned puppies, hoping that the meeting would offer Daisy some comfort. As soon as the puppies were placed in front of her, Daisy’s maternal instincts kicked in. Despite the deep sorrow she had been feeling, Daisy immediately began feeding the newborns, embracing them as if they were her own.

Over the following weeks, Daisy cared for the puppies with love and dedication. She nurtured and protected them until they were weaned and strong enough to go back to Lorna. Most of the puppies were returned to their rightful owner, except for one—the runt of the litter, who Jessica decided to keep and named Benji.



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A Story of Healing

Daisy’s journey from heartbroken mother to devoted foster mom is a story of resilience, healing, and the incredible bond between dogs and humans. Thanks to the combined efforts of Jessica, Jacque, and Lorna, both Daisy and Lorna’s orphaned puppies found comfort after their shared tragedies.



Daisy’s newfound purpose in caring for the puppies helped her recover from the loss of her own, and in turn, Lorna’s puppies found a loving mother in Daisy after their own had passed away. The once-grieving dog found joy again, and Benji became a permanent reminder of the healing power of love.

This heartwarming tale reminds us that even in the darkest of times, there’s always the potential for hope, healing, and new beginnings!



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Neglected Pitbull With Massive Tumor the Size of a Volleyball Finally Finds Permanent Home Following Life-Saving Surgery.


Neglected Pitbull With Massive Tumor the Size of a Volleyball Finally Finds Permanent Home Following Life-Saving Surgery.


Animal shelters do incredible work giving pets a second chance. Some animals arrive at shelters in shocking condition, but they still step up to give them the love and care they need.

That was the case for a dog named Libby, who had a tumor the size of a volleyball. But now, her story has a happy ending.

In August, the Humane Society for Tacoma and Pierce County, in Washington state, took in a stray pit bull named Libby. They said the dog was “full of life” and had a “sweet face and kind eyes.”



However, Libby also had a serious medical concern: a 10-pound tumor the size of a volleyball, one of the largest masses they had ever seen:

Libby arrived at a hectic time for the shelter: HSTPC says Libby was just one of three urgent cases they responded to in 48 hours, and as Washington’s largest-intake shelter dozens of new animals were arriving every day.

Despite that, they resolved to give Libby the best possible care, even though they weren’t sure what the future had in store for the poor dog.


“She deserves the most compassionate care possible, but we don’t know what her outcome will be at this time,” the shelter wrote in August. “Our veterinary team is working on every possible option and will start with testing to understand what kind of tumor Libby has. For now, she is receiving pain medication to ease her discomfort and endless love from our staff.”

After giving Libby an x-ray, they discovered the tumor was in the bone of her upper right leg, and would require amputation. Reactive inflammation caused the tumor to swell to its unusual size, and was causing her agonizing pain.

Neglected Pitbull With Massive Tumor the Size of a Volleyball Finally Finds Permanent Home Following Life-Saving Surgery.

Through generous donations from supporters, the shelter was able to pay for Libby’s leg amputation. The surgery, done by the vet staff at BluePearl Pet Hospital, was a success and Libby was finally free of the pain she had been living through.


Sadly, even though her tumor was gone, she was diagnosed with aggressive bone cancer, and her time on earth might be limited. But in happy news, Libby has found a home!

According to HSTPC, a vet tech fell in love with Libby and agreed to adopt her. Even though she knows that Libby might not live long, she wanted to fill her remaining days with love.

“There’s something in her eyes that begs for love and safety,” her new adopter said, according to a Facebook post. “I couldn’t turn away from that.”


Libby has now been renamed “Wiggles” and is enjoying her new home, playing with her dog brother and family and taking lots of cozy naps on the couch.

“Though we’re uncertain how much time she has left, we know she’ll spend her remaining days surrounded by love and comfort thanks to the kindness of our community,” The Humane Society wrote.

Thank you to everyone who saved Libby and gave her a second chance! We hope she enjoys whatever time she has left in her new home! ❤️

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