24 Adorable Stories of Grandmothers Who Took “Old Is Gold” Too Far / Bright Side

24 Adorable Stories of Grandmothers Who Took “Old Is Gold” Too Far / Bright Side

We all have a little “hoarder” in us. Living simply may keep our lives uncomplicated in general, but most of us don’t practice minimalism. We keep what we buy, and sometimes this leads to a bit of storage crisis. Plus, age can complicate matters, as these grandmothers and other people prove by keeping bizarre stuff in their pantries and homes.


1. “My grandma quit drinking cola over thirty years ago…”


© Random-Non-Sequitur / Reddit

Today, after cutting her grass, I asked her if she had anything other than milk and water to drink. She told me there was a Coke in the crisper drawer… to which I discovered an 80’s relic. © Random-Non-Sequitur / Reddit

2. “Just a big bottle of poison hanging out next to the Tums for 50 years.”

© suzieking85 / Reddit

3. “My great-grandmother’s Valentine’s Day candy from the mid-1920s.”

© kilofeet / Reddit

4. “Other people inherit money or a house; I inherit the Heinz Ketchup Limited Black Edition.”

© liverwursti / Reddit

5. “Nutmeg that expired in ’74 found at my Grandma’s.”

© SlamHamwitch / Reddit

My brother cooked with this nutmeg and after being told it tastes weird, he looked at the expiration date. © SlamHamwitch / Reddit

6. “Not pantry, but found this cleaning my Grandma’s basement out.”

© Beginning_Fold_1694 / Reddit

7. “Older than my adult daughter.”

© Goatboy1 / Reddit

8. “Found in the freezer at my work.”

© apadley / Reddit

9. “Upcoming clean out of Nan’s bathrooms.”

© brighterbleu / Reddit

I just got news that my Nana will be spending a few hours at my Aunt’s house this weekend! That means I can do a ninja clean out of her expired meds. I’ll also be going through her bathroom cabinets and drawers, which are stuffed full.

I’ve been trying to get to this for a long time, since we’re concerned about her using products that are so old. Somehow I’m going to have to figure out how to make the cabinets still look full after my clean out so she doesn’t fuss. © brighterbleu / Reddit

10. “38-year-old brownies.”

© Zaytherlegit / Reddit

There’s a sad story to these nearly 4-decade-old brownies. My great aunt, who lives with dementia, had a son who tragically died at 12 in 1986. Not long before, he baked these brownies for her, and ever since then they have sat in the back of her refrigerator.

We found it while going through her fridge. I won’t take off the lid until we decide to throw it out (which surely will be soon) but it seems like they’ve aged without growing mold, which is mildly concerning, but pretty cool. © Zaytherlegit / Reddit

11. “Found in cellar. Peaches canned in 1976.”

© ramair351c / Reddit

12. “Found cleaning out my grandparents’ house that they’ve lived in since 1965.”

© Clementine7162 / Reddit

That pantry was so full of this stuff. Makes sense with seven kids though… © Clementine7162 / Reddit

13. “I was given 6 bags of food, and nearly all of it expired more than a decade ago.”

© AliveWeird4230 / Reddit

A family friend made a big deal all weekend about bringing me six bags of food for me and my wife to go through and dump the rest off at the “blessings pantry.” This is some of it!

  • The best part: The Ghirardelli’s mint chips and dumpling mix are so antique they don’t even have an expiry date. Exciting, we love old food YouTube!
  • The sun-dried tomatoes (2009) are congealed into a whole new product, may patent it…
  • Thought about eating that 2008 dark chocolate because damn!
  • The caviar has no date, not sure if it’s even that old, but… no.
  • The rancid smell coming off that Crisco (2007) was intense.
  • The cheese Fantastico bottle was creating a vacuum, may implode one day, may keep for science.
  • And what is Molly McButter??!! © AliveWeird4230 / Reddit

14. “Nana kept everything.”

© ummmmmmmmidunno / Reddit

15. “Found these in my grandma’s closet.”

© snakegravity / Reddit

16. “Chips, from ’94.”

© Basic_Guarantee_4552 / Reddit

17. “Forgotten emergency snacks found in our earthquake kit from the 90s.”

© mabeltheknife / Reddit

18. “Unopened soap from 1940.”

© UnknownAristocracy / Reddit

19. “In a shocking turn of events, the wet wipes from the 1979 First Aid Kit are still wet!”

© ABigF******S**** / Reddit

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