Why would a person bury a MacBook in the fridge? What happens when one believes that a “PC” is a personal cabinet? Whether you’re a tech whiz or tech-challenged, you’ll relate to some of these stories—or, better yet, see if you’re guilty of one yourself!
1. “Helpful coworker saves the day.”

2. “This is how my mom ’charged’ my Bluetooth speaker.”

3. “A user left a MacBook in the fridge overnight because it was overheating.”

4. “Just got a text from my mum. I’d forgotten that I had told her wi-fi was short for something else.”

5. “Why won’t the printer work?” Manual didn’t say to unwrap.

6. Should you maybe try driving up north instead of down south?

7. “We waited 2 years to try, and it is now disabled again.”

8. “I spilled soup on my MacBook, so I poured salt on it to soak it up.”

9. “Mom using her car phone holder for written driving directions.”

10. “I try to do the right thing, but my family is a bunch of savages!”

11. “My grandfather using his iPad.”

12. “Photos I take of my mom vs. photos she takes of me.”

13. “My father’s PC, ladies and gentlemen.”

14. “My mom didn’t like the yellowed color, so she decided to put nail polish on the printer.”

15. “My mom often asks for my computer help, and her desktop looks like this 😭”

16. “My grandpa thought his headphone jack was a screw hole.”

17. “My dad put toothpaste on his phone because his screen cracked and he believed one of those lifehack videos.”

18. “My mom is good with technology.”

For every minor tech slip-up, there’s an even more mind-boggling tech invention, like the kissing device with realistic moving lips, letting people send “virtual kisses” to loved ones from anywhere.
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