12 Signs Your Romance is Skating on Thin Ice Without You Realizing / Now I’ve Seen Everything

12 Signs Your Romance is Skating on Thin Ice Without You Realizing / Now I’ve Seen Everything

If you and your partner have had previous marriages, there is a 90% greater chance of divorce than if this was your first marriage. However, we cannot control everything. Read this article to understand what kind of future you and your partner can have together.

We want to make it clear that this article is only for information. Even if you find all the points relevant to your relationship, this should not be the reason for you to get separated. However, you should definitely analyse your relationship and your partner’s behavior.

1. You’re a busy doctor.

Contrary to older studies suggesting that the demanding nature of a physician’s job increases divorce rates, a recent analysis of census data reveals a different reality. Physicians, in fact, exhibit a lower divorce rate compared to dentists, healthcare executives, nurses, and lawyers. However, this trend comes with a notable caveat: female physicians working over 40 hours a week face a higher divorce rate, whereas their male counterparts see a decrease in divorce rates when working similar hours. This gender-specific dynamic underscores how work-life balance and professional demands uniquely impact relationship stability for men and women in the medical field.

2. Constant financial problems

It’s fine if your family has a temporary financial setback. Life is full of surprises. The most important thing is how you and your partner handle the situation. However, if financial difficulties become a regular occurrence, it is time to take action. Money problems are one of the main reasons for divorce, so it is crucial to address them.

3. Excessive use of social media.

study published in Computers in Human Behavior highlights a concerning trend: increased Facebook usage correlates with a decline in marriage quality. The research reveals that a 20% annual rise in Facebook enrollment is associated with a 2.18% to 4.32% increase in divorce rates. Notably, individuals who refrain from using social media report being 11% happier in their marriages compared to regular users. This data suggests that while social media platforms can connect us, they may also contribute to marital dissatisfaction and instability.

Around 56% of divorce cases are linked to one partner’s excessive interest in social media, including activities such as posting selfies. Couples who frequently share details about their relationship online often report higher levels of dissatisfaction. Additionally, 20% of individuals in relationships have contemplated ending their partnerships due to conflicts over social media behavior. This data underscores the growing impact of social media on relationship stability, highlighting how online habits can contribute to marital discord and potential dissolution.

4. Your partner always makes your personal life public without taking your desires into account — and you need to put a stop to it!

In today’s world, technology is everywhere. It’s impossible to avoid it. Social media, messengers, online games — these things will distract you from your relationship. It doesn’t matter how healthy your relationship is, if your spouse can’t find a healthy balance between communication with you and staying online, it will have a negative effect.

The Internet is a factor in many divorces. If your partner is posting multiple selfies and stories online and doesn’t seem to care whether you like it or not, it’s clear that your opinion doesn’t matter to them.

5. Your spouse undervalues your career achievements.

If your partner is negative about your achievements, you can be sure that you won’t get support from them. Constructive criticism is one thing. It aims to help you. Devaluing your achievements is another.

For example, the words “You did a great job!” I believe that if you improve your Spanish, you will be able to secure an even better position. Similarly, comments like “It’s all useless without the knowledge of a foreign language” are negative and unhelpful.

6. You feel uneasy in the presence of your partner.

If you feel uneasy, have a headache or backache, or experience any other physical discomfort or tension next to your partner, it is likely that you are experiencing anxiety.

Now, compare these feelings with your experience when you are alone or with other people. If you feel calm in any other situation, except for the moments when your partner is next to you, this is a clear sign that you don’t want to be with them at the moment. If you experience these symptoms all the time, you should definitely think about the reasons.

7. Your partner is not listening to you and interrupting you.

Good communication between partners is important for a healthy relationship. Communication problems are the main cause of divorce. If you’re often interrupted or your desires are not taken into account, this is a clear sign that the relationship is not working. “We’ve all heard when someone says something wrong, but constantly correcting your partner can become annoying and belittling,” says Stef Safran, matchmaking and dating expert.

8. Your partner is inflexible and refuses to compromise.

The ratio of positive to negative interactions in happy couples is 5:1. This means that for every negative interaction during a conflict, a couple has five positive interactions. Let’s say you had one fight but then did five nice things together: went to the movies, visited a restaurant, etc. If the first number is small, it’s bad for the relationship. If your ratio is close to 1:1, you need to take action.

A healthy relationship is built on compromise, open communication, and mutual respect. If you don’t have this, you need to ask yourself: is your relationship worth it?

9. Your partner despises you.

Psychological researcher John Gottman, renowned for his work on divorce prediction and marital stability, has identified four destructive behaviors that can kill a relationship: criticism, contempt, defensiveness and stonewalling. Contempt is the most serious behavioral feature that always indicates divorce is imminent. It inevitably leads to other negative behavioral patterns. If your partner has an asymmetrical facial expression when talking to you, it’s a clear sign that they despise you. Look closer.

10. Your partner’s loved ones are criticising you.

Parents who interfere in their children’s marriages ruin them. Their opinion is always prejudiced and one-sided. Parents have no idea that they are crossing your boundaries and those of your partner. It is not always easy to speak openly with your own parents, especially if they disapprove of your partner. This can cause problems, particularly if your partner does not seem to notice their attitude.

If your parents or your partner’s parents are divorced, the situation will undoubtedly become worse. Research proves that these people can have a negative impact on the family lives of couples around them.

11. If you’re underweight, it could spell trouble for your relationship.

Research from a 2013 study conducted by MyDivorcePapers.com reveals an intriguing correlation between weight and marital stability. The study, which analyzed over 2,700 divorce filings, found that 76% of divorces occurred among couples where both partners weighed less than 200 pounds. Interestingly, the group with the lowest divorce rate comprised individuals who each weighed over 250 pounds. This unexpected finding suggests that being underweight might be linked to a higher likelihood of divorce, highlighting the complex interplay between physical health and relationship dynamics.

12. A person’s facial expression in childhood photos is an accurate indicator of whether they are prone to divorce.

It may be difficult to accept, but the results of a series of psychological tests prove that children who frowned in their school photos were more likely to get divorced than those who smiled sincerely.

Not all relationships are doomed to crack. Some are built on the strongest foundations. Want to know if yours is one of them? Check out our upcoming article on the 9 marks of an unshakeable bond.

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