Dog Found Crying After Criminals Painted The Hungry Pup Green

Dog Found Crying After Criminals Painted The Hungry Pup Green

There are certain stories that make us wonder what could possibly be going through people’s heads. Why on Earth would someone torture an innocent animal and force them to suffer like this? This dog was found in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. By the time he was located, he had been painted green and left to fend for himself. Shazreen Othuman was the first to find him.

She took to social media immediately, so that she could find help for the poor little guy. The paint fumes had made the dog sick and he was looking lifeless. He did not have any food to eat. He was dizzy and needed a great deal of help. Local animal rights activists were outraged when they learned of the dog’s plight. They could not understand why someone would do such a thing.

We can’t either, to be perfectly honest. Once a volunteer was able to rescue the pup, he was given the bath that he sorely needed. The dog’s paint exposure could have been fatal but the rescuers were able to get to him in the nick of time. We shudder to think of what might have happened to this dog if they didn’t. Other homeless dogs in this region could find themselves at risk, though.



That’s why it is important to take the time to spread the necessary awareness. While this is not a problem that most of us would expect to have to deal with, there is a wide range of animals who are tortured by miscreants like these. They do not deserve the treatment that they receive, by any stretch of the imagination. The authorities are now in the process of locating these creeps.

We hope that they are found and punished to the fullest extent of the law as soon as possible. They deserve nothing less! If any sort of inhumane crimes like these occurs, they need to be reported immediately. The more information that the authorities have to work with, the better the chances of avoiding these types of incidents in the future.

According to the local laws in Malaysia, these perpetrators could face up to three years in prison. That is not long enough but it will do! Please take the time to share this story with your friends and loved ones. It is time for these culprits to be caught and brought to justice as quickly as possible. Let’s all do our part to help the authorities out.



Man Charged for Kicking Dog, Caught on Video



In East Haven, Connecticut, a local man has been taken into police custody because he was seen hurting a dog. He faces legal trouble for two charges of harming animals and one for not registering his dog properly.





The arrest happened after a video was shared online. The video showed a man kicking a dog while they were out walking. This led to immediate action from local authorities. The dog is now taken away from the man’s home and is being checked by a veterinarian. It will stay at the East Haven Animal Shelter until a court decides what should happen next.

Image Source Credit via YouTube

A woman who lives nearby saw the incident and recorded it on her phone. She talked to News 8 about what she saw but didn’t want to share her name because she was worried about her safety. She said, “I was leaving my house to go to the store, and I heard a man yelling at his dog. The dog was trying to jump up to play with him, and he whipped him down with a leash and kicked him to the ground.” She also mentioned that it wasn’t the first time she had seen the man being mean to the dog. “Every so often I see him around 10 a.m. walking by when I’m bringing the garbage out or watering the plants, and I never had my phone — this time I happened to have my phone,” she added, expressing concern about what else might be happening when no one is watching.


The Mayor of East Haven, Joseph Carfora, said he felt very sad about the incident and confirmed that the police and animal control are looking into it. “I have the utmost confidence in our law enforcement and animal control officers to identify and prosecute the perpetrator to the fullest extent of the law,” he mentioned in an email.

Image Source Credit via YouTube

Zilla Cannamela, who leads an animal rights group called Desmond’s Army Animal Law Advocates, spoke strongly against the mistreatment. “This is no way to discipline a dog,” she stated. She pointed out that animal cruelty is a big problem and said, “Currently, we are attending 65-70 court cases a month.” According to her, many cases where animals are mistreated are not even reported.

The person who filmed the upsetting scene hopes that the dog will find a loving home. “I just hope he goes to a good home and gets the best life he deserves,” she expressed, showing her wish for the dog’s happy future.

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The Stirring Journey of a Newborn Puppy Abandoned in a Landfill and His Heartfelt Cry for Survival


It was a brisk evening when John, engaged in the mundane task of disposing of his household waste, unexpectedly found himself drawn into a heartrending scenario. As he approached the garbage bins, a series of faint, mournful cries pierced the stillness of the night, emanating from the shadowy confines of a nearby alley. Moved by curiosity and a growing sense of concern, John ventured toward the source of the sounds. His search led him to a hidden cardboard box nestled in a secluded corner of the alley.






Upon investigating, John uncovered a heart-wrenching scene—a tiny, shivering puppy, barely a few days old, lay abandoned and alone inside the box. The helpless animal looked up with a silent plea that immediately tugged at John’s heartstrings. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, John carefully lifted the fragile creature and cradled it against his chest, trying to provide some warmth.

Once home, John sprang into action to make the environment as welcoming as possible for his unexpected guest. He crafted a makeshift bed from a soft blanket and warmed a bottle of milk, which he gently offered to the puppy. The little one, driven by instinct and hunger, latched onto the bottle and drank eagerly, each gulp a step back from the brink of despair.




Realizing the puppy needed more than just a warm meal, John hurried to the nearest pet store. He stocked up on puppy formula, additional blankets, and a few small toys, intent on giving this young life a fighting chance. Returning home, John continued to nurse the puppy with meticulous care, ensuring it was comfortable, fed, and starting to feel secure.

Over the next few days, John dedicated himself to the puppy’s recovery and growth. He was rewarded when the puppy’s eyes, previously sealed shut, slowly opened to reveal bright, curious orbs filled with the spark of life. The transformation was miraculous; the puppy began to exhibit signs of curiosity, sniffing around its new surroundings and attempting to stand on unsteady legs.


With each passing day, the bond between John and the puppy strengthened. The once timid and frail animal began to show a playful side, pawing at John’s hands and chasing the soft toys he had provided. It wasn’t long before the puppy’s initial wobbly steps evolved into confident, energetic dashes around John’s living room.





As weeks turned into a month and a half, the puppy—now named Lucky—had undergone an incredible transformation. His coat, once dull and sparse, grew thick and lustrous. His eyes, always exploring, sparkled with mischief and intelligence. John ensured that Lucky received all his vaccinations and regular check-ups, establishing a foundation for a healthy life.


The story of Lucky, the puppy rescued from a landfill, became a local tale of hope and renewal. Neighbors and friends who visited John’s home were instantly charmed by Lucky’s spirited antics and loving nature. Lucky’s journey from a discarded orphan to a cherished companion was nothing short of inspiring.

This tale not only highlights the resilience of a once abandoned puppy but also showcases the profound impact of kindness and care. Lucky’s transformation from vulnerability to vitality is a powerful reminder of how compassion can change lives, reinforcing the belief that every creature, no matter how small, deserves a chance at happiness.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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