She is pregnant, homeless, and exhausted. She needs someone to help her

She is pregnant, homeless, and exhausted. She needs someone to help her

Meet Loli! She was a homeless and exhausted mother. As far as we can tell, she is young, but pregnant. We have no idea about her past. Her body was covered in crusts and infections. LuLi was reduced to skin and bones.

When a kind woman named Alejandra discovered her, she kept her and contacted Noelia Prestipino (La Casita de Noy), a local shelter in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for help. When the rescue volunteers saw her, they were heartbroken.

Loli was nervous because she had never experienced human love before. They named her Luna because she was unusual.

They took her with them, she was bathed and given antibiotics, and after only 15 days in the shelter and with proper care, this beautiful girl has changed dramatically. It was much more attractive.

Lolly deserves a home, a walk, a bed, a vacation… I swear I love her.

Thanks to the workers at the shelter, this pure soul has finally found a loving forever family. This nice young lady is having a wonderful day. She is now an official member of a new family.

“We will always miss her and wish my daughter happiness.”

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